Living with PCOS… It’s a bit shit sometimes.

Living with PCOS… It’s a bit shit sometimes.


So… carefully ignoring the fact that it’s been nearly two years since I last wrote on here (and I’m not entirely sure the old ‘sorry baby, I’ve been busy…’ excuse will hold), I want to talk a bit about the slight shittiness that is PCOS.

Continue reading “Living with PCOS… It’s a bit shit sometimes.”

Learning to Check My Privilege

Learning to Check My Privilege

A couple of years ago, when I started participating in the Fat Acceptance community, I made a comment saying that I believed Fat Prejudice was more acceptable in the present day than race, or gender, or any other sort of prejudice. Indeed, I believe I might have implied that Fat Prejudice was ‘worse’ than other types of prejudice.

It was not one of my finest moments

Continue reading “Learning to Check My Privilege”

My Need for Alone Time

My Need for Alone Time
Now if there were a room like this at my work, that I could lock at lunchtime and sit in for an hour, that would be amazing. Pigs flying? That would also be pretty cool.


I work a 9am-6pm job, in an office above a warehouse in West London, with a relatively small group of about half a dozen people. There are also various people who work in the warehouse proper that I deal with from time to time; about 20 or so in total. It’s not a huge number of people, but it’s not like it’s just me and my pot plant sitting by ourselves all the live-long day.

So, naturally, I often have to get away.

Continue reading “My Need for Alone Time”

I’m Going Bald. Fine.

I’m Going Bald. Fine.

Greetings, Fatshion Hustlers! How have we all been?

I’ve decided it’s time to talk about something that I have been dealing with for a couple of months now. Assuming you have read the title, yes, I am losing my hair. I have been aware of my losing it for a while, but it was officially confirmed a few months ago by a visit to the Belgravia Centre (hair loss specialists in the UK).

But you know what? I’m cool with it.

Continue reading “I’m Going Bald. Fine.”